I've been lurking on the forum for a few weeks and finally decided to register blush. I wanted to post as an introduction since I think I'll probably be spending quite a bit of time on the board, and also to get some feedback. Long story short, after a discouraging first year in kindergarten, where our son was continually disciplined for being too distracted, too talkative, too disruptive and too silly, we decided to pull him out of his highly regarded but very disciplined and structured school, and enroll him in our local public school. It was a very difficult decision because as much as we believe that the old environment wasn't a good fit for him, we hated the thought of our little guy having to start over again in a new school. Because of the discipline issues at school, we visited an educational psychologist over holiday break to rule out any learning issues. After testing with the WPPSI (he was 5.11 years), we were advised that he has a full scale score of 147 including the 116 processing score, and a pro rated score of 153 not including the processing speed score (the psych thought he might have had some perfection issues). I guess after reading all the posts on this forum I am just a little lost. The psych said that any discipline issues at school are most likely related to him tuning out and being bored. Our quandary is that we find it difficult to see how he could be bored, since from what we've seen he hasn't excelled at the material that is being offered. His vocabulary is amazing, and he can read, but at an average level similar to his classmates. He resists reading on his own, especially if it has more complex words than he is used to. I was trying "you read one page and I'll read one page" on more complicated books, but he stopped wanting anything to do with reading so I stopped that technique. I've tried playing some fun online math programs with him but he just groans and flops on the floor. However, he loves science. He makes up his own experiments and designs his own mazes. He thinks out of the box and asks incredibly thought provoking questions - but the academics have us boggled. We talked to his new teacher and thankfully she sounds like she on the same page, wanting to use positive reinforcement and keep it fun. He is an enthusiastic learner - but only what he is interested in. I guess my question is, could his first year have soured him? Or, have all the kids reading at super high levels and doing advanced math always been interested and self motivated in these subjects? Prior to entering school he never had any interest in reading on his own, and we never pushed it. We want him to be happy and well adjusted. We also want him to be confident and comfortable with taking chances. Thanks if you've read this far - any thoughts?