Hi again, I have chance to now sit down and compare the two year's data guide

Yes, last year, they provided us the numerical table (like the STB table) for all the SCAT scores, divided by grade and gender. I don't know how the raw scores translate to scaled score, so its not clear whether that translation formula is different for 4 vs 5th grader, but as Dottie, says, I can suppose that the translation formula can differ from one version to other (but I would think the 4th and 5th will take the same version the same year.)

REgarding the top scaled score, the hypothetical top score seems to be the same year to year, comparing last year vs this year (for 4th/5th, it is 487V/506Q.), but the number of students hitting it or any of the scores will depend year by year.

And yes, I took my daughters' score from LAST year, and put it against THIS years frequency data to see how she really fared amongst her peer group that took the same grade test the same year. I actually saw some difference from last year's data in terms of calculating their "percentiles" this way. I suppose if you did this many times over though, it will even itself out, such as how its suppose to work statistically.

Another data-driven mom, lol.