I only have the interpretation guide for this year, so I don't have a comparison to see if the ceilings have moved before, but it seems to me that the ceiling score for verbal MUST be different this year. Extrapolating from DD's raw and scaled scores, I don't see how the scaled scores for 4th/5th could possibly go up to 487.

I guess we have to wait until NEXT year, to see the actual data for how our kids did THIS year.

mominsac and kcab, what is the numerical table that you were referring to? Is it like the one this year that they give for the STB test? It certainly would be nice to have a table giving the percentile within the talent search pool.

Honestly, I'm not reading a whole lot into these scores. It's a VERY limited test. It would just be nice to get an accurate percentile. And I would have liked to be able to see what scaled score and percentile data DD would have gotten if she were grade accelerated. But I don't see how I can figure it out from the data in the guide.