Originally Posted by lulu
p.s. one more thing ... he's taken to 'writing in the air' with his finger lately, and he's doing it often. Ever come across this before?

Besides the entire last half of this post describing my DD9 to a tee (and she does not have a known PS issue, but we are trying to decide if we should get her tested for ADD), your P.S. describes me as a kid. I still find myself doing that at times, but I have vivid memories of doing this while growing up. I would even "write" what other people were saying while in a conversation. I have since learned that writing something down helps me remember it, so maybe that's why I do it sometimes without thinking. Now I often just visualize the words being written in the air near the person's head.

Last edited by WannaBeGTEduc; 01/22/10 02:28 PM.