The" is he really slow processing/showing other signs question" - I'm just not sure. The wisc score is 103. His perfectionist issues come into it - he takes forever to decide exactly what he wants to write for instance when given a working title. Once he's made up his mind the work is excellent with perfect spelling, cursive handwriting (self-taught), and terrific detail. He's similar with lego creations and drawing - It has to be precisely as he envisions it should be, and usually eventually is. However, he's also really slow at getting moving generally - dressing, getting into the car etc. His WM score on the other hand is 144. Most of the time I think (and his teacher thinks), he has so much going on in that head of his, that is the reason he finds it hard to get into action. All your input is helping a lot, in my trying to figure this one out. Thanks
p.s. one more thing ... he's taken to 'writing in the air' with his finger lately, and he's doing it often. Ever come across this before?