Originally Posted by Kriston
"Gifted" does not have to mean fast.
That's actually the "normal" part of him, the 8yo part. The odd thing is the fact that he can understand such complicated issues that most "normal" 8yos can't comprehend.

I suspect we would have a harder time making things work well for him at a school because he needs significantly harder work, but he needs fewer problems and more time to work them out. It would be a challenge for any teacher to make it work.

I'm just now coming to understand how this "bottleneck" plays out in my son as well. He is very normal in processing speed but HG/PG in everything else. Kriston- that was the first time I've seen what he really needs explained in a way that made sense to me! Thanks for laying it out.

What my DS says- "It's like this mom- it takes a day for the thought to get organized in my head, then a day for it to get from my brain to my hand, then a day for my hand to write it." I have to remind myself not to get ridiculously frustrated while he's sitting there holding his pencil staring out into space... he IS working in his head, it's just not lightening fast like most everything else he does.