I now hate school because I never had to lift a finger before. I'm learning to adjust and I still have straight A's, it's just been a painful experience I don't recommend you put your children through. And being a perfectionist has certainly made it more difficult. I should have skipped a grade a long time ago. I have good study skills and everything, I just am not used to trying.
Thanks for sharing Lindsaymarie! I went through this several times in my life as I've 'leveled up' to life's new challenges. I commend you for doing what it takes to keep at it, and encourage you that you will at some point look back and be very proud! I would encourage you to look for summer programs where you can be surrounded with kids who are 'like you' - have you found any summer or afterschool activities with kids or adults that you can 'really' relate to?
Some kids also find that they are ready for a few college classes by your age - perhaps in Math there is a program near-enough by, or online, where you can move ahead.
I would strongly recommend you make an appointment to sit down with the Chairperson of the Math Department and do some 'self-advocacy.' I did this in science my freshman year of High School. I didn't get any change, but it was very encouraging to me to hear that the Chairman was in total agreement with me, and that things were being done to help future students.
Love hearing from you,