Show your child how to find challenge outside the school walls. You don't always have control over what goes on inside the class, but you certainly can on the outside.
Guerrilla Learning by Grace Llewellyn helped me understand this. DD7 had her eyes opened a bit when the 2nd grade students were together for testing into the accelerated cluster magnet. They were discussing the upcoming Book Week and there is a contest where two students from each grade with the highest number of AR points get to have lunch with a visiting author. DD7 was one of the winners last year and her motivation to have lunch with an author outweighed her desire to conform to reading standard grade level books.
She's been holding back a bit with her reading this year and choosing lower point books but her point total was very high compared to her classmates. Yesterday, she found there is a girl in another class whose point total blew DD's out of the water. The girl is going to third grade for subject acceleration and as DD said, "Her mother teaches her challenging math at home too." Yay!