I'm 15 years old and I just have one thing to say- PLEASE make sure your kids are being challenged in school from an early age! I went through 8th grade getting straight A's without having to try at all. Now I'm in 10th grade and I am finally in a few somewhat challenging classes (although math is still terrible- they made me retake Algebra 2 even though I took it in 8th grade because they said they'd run out of math classes for me to take!). I now hate school because I never had to lift a finger before. I'm learning to adjust and I still have straight A's, it's just been a painful experience I don't recommend you put your children through. And being a perfectionist has certainly made it more difficult. I should have skipped a grade a long time ago. I have good study skills and everything, I just am not used to trying. Plus, half the time my school's definition of an "honors" class is "make them all sit down and listen to us lecture and don't let them ask any questions because they're smart so they should be fine." Thanks for the help, school.