Hi Amanda,

I know I keep saying this, but I wish our daughters could play together. They sound similiar, your DD might even be ahead of my DD at that age, but I am not sure because I tend to forget exactly when she did things, just that she often shocked me. Mine also will sprinkle more adult words in to her sentences very casually. I am always amazed how she just picked them out from hearing them. I have no doubt your DD is gifted. I don't see home schooling working for us for a variety of reasons:one she really doesn't want to do anything that is about "learning" if I suggest or lead it, but I suppose in some ways she could lead herself. Two, I just think she would benefit from being with others during the day. She is highly social and can be draining if it is just us one on one. We really need other input here and I want others to absorb her energy and for her to learn how to be a part of a group. I found a preschool that would let her do whatever she can next year. She could be with six year olds, but then I am dumbfounded by what to do for kindergarten. I don't think I am going to enroll her a year early because she would be almost two years younger than some kids and while she can do everything and more intellectually, she needs another year to gain some self control. It is a tough decision and it must be hard for you if you are in a place that does not have many options.