Originally Posted by TwinkleToes
I just glanced at this but was left thinking, "Is that REALLY what most kids can do at those ages????" I have no perspective and the things they ask seem so simple and my DD 3 can do things into age 7 but her IQ test (which may not be accurate sinced it was done so early) does not place her score as high as that suggests. I know you are just so curious, but even if she does have a test, you may still be left wondering if it really got it "right" as I wonder. I suppose you can look at my DD or others who did similar things and guess based on that and look at RUF's guide (I know you already have). How is she with puzzles?

She is great with puzzles, can complete 48 piece ones very quickly with no help and while talking about other random things. Need to buy some 63 piece ones...got all the 48 for christmas but they were easy too LOL. I underestimate I guess. I know what you mean about "i that really what most kids can do?" I used to have no clue and was wondering why her ped was so shocked. The pbs.org site has a good milestone list that really opened my eyes. DD constantly surprises us, but today another stand out moment was when she said "I am just fascinated by Christmas lights" Umm definitly not average for a 2 year old to use the word fascinated. She converses every day on a very adult level, and she even uses some words that her babysitter does not know.

I would love to get her tested at 3and 1/2- 4 so I could see if we could get her into early enterence to K, but no one around here does tat so we would have to travel for the test, and even then I am not sure if K would be a good fit then as she is on a end of K- first grade level on most things even with never having been taught. She has been exporing addition for the past few months and this month started exploring subtraction, all of which I have never even introduced for her. She just figured out this past month how to count to 100 by 1's. She had already figured out how to by 10's, and she started counting backward from 10 this month. So I don't know if it would be worth starting K early or if we will just homeschool here since she will be above the K level...and I don't even know if we can do early entrence here. there is no state law saying yes or no, but leaving it up to the district.

Anyway this was interesting to see where she would fall age wise but it just confirmed what her peds, the educational specialist I know, and the milestone charts say. Dh and I look at each other all the time and and shake our heads in amazement LOL.

Homeschooling on a remote island at the edge of the world.