I called the school and they said they are at risk to lose their funding but I'm not sure how big the risk is? Is there away to ask? or research? I think they are open to being up front about this. They were a different school 2?years ago. The some parents reformed it in a new location and a new name. I think I need to find out more about this.

They seem open to accellorating kids thru work as quick as needed filling in the wholes. Maybe it would be worth it just getting him to where he needs to be with the wholes filled in even if it was for a year. They said they have several levels of groups for different subjects within each grade. They have kids that go up a grade in subjects while the grades are already working above grade level. They have not had any students working on HS level yet. They said it's something they will address. This seems a bit of a concern because when he gets to 6 grade my DS would probally do Hs Math work - I think? Right now his is in 3rd doing 4th grade math but it feels like he should be doing a condensed 5th at least. They seem to do local science center and arts for field trips which is wonderful.
They do lego legaue. No sports teams.

He could stay with his age group and do above level work. I'm not sure yet how above level. But they said they are flexible to meet the child's needs. The woman I spoke to said they have not heard of DYS.

Last edited by onthegomom; 12/15/09 12:17 PM.