I'm with Grinity. Not choosing a good option because it might not last forever never makes sense to me.

With that said, I guess it makes a difference just *how* at-risk they are for losing funding. Are we talking tomorrow, or "maybe someday?"

It's my sense that many private/charter schools are barely making it, but they can be barely making it for decades. I don't think that would faze me. However, if you have reason to think they might actually lose funding tomorrow, I'd be a bit more circumspect about it.

I think Grinity also raises a good point about how good a fit the school will be. Be aware that some GT schools (or programs) can actually be LESS flexible with HG+ kids. Be sure the attitude isn't "This is our program: take it or leave it."

All GT is not the same. If the school doesn't get that, it could be worse for your son, not better.

(If the school does get it, of course, then it may be an amazing school experience! I didn't want to sound all negative. smile )
