Don't get me wrong, I am still seeking out the best opportunities for my DD3, and totally support gifted education, but my point is I tend to worry so much about doing the right thing with my young daughter and that somehow I will screw things up if she doesn't get into a gifted program, but my parents were uneducated and did nothing for me and I went to terrible public schools and yet was able to get into Wellesley, Harvard, and am in MENSA. I am not bragging; I am trying to put things into perspective. I think things could have been better for me in school--I even dropped out of high school--but because the raw ability was there I will still able to go to the schools I selected and my lowest grade was an A- so even if my DD3 doesn't get special services etc. things may be just fine for her academically /socially;-) Honestly, I do think things would have gone better if I had been in a different environment, but I wanted to point out that if your child is highly intelligent, there will be plenty of academic options for him / her down the road. I think that it may be harder for PROFOUNDLY gifted children.

Last edited by TwinkleToes; 12/03/09 09:00 AM.