We have been eagerly awaiting DS3's placement offer for next year, at the only official preschool in our area. At the Psych's suggestion, DS has been on the waitlist for this preschool since his evaluation over a year ago. Until recently (when we pulled him out), DS had been attending the only alternative program, run by the child care centre. So, yesterday the preschool paperwork arrived...

And the offer is for 1 day/week of their 1st stage program. I thought it must have been a typo, as DS should be in 2nd stage for 2010 given that he will start fulltime K in 2011. I subsequently rang the Director to correct the 'error' and was told in no uncertain terms that as the youngest applicant, my DS is not a priority for placement in 2010. Somewhat baffled, I advised her that this was not for early entrance as DS makes the birthday cutoff for normal entrance. She replied with a guarantee that DS will be offered the more intensive 2nd stage in 2011. I said that there must have been a misunderstanding - in 2011 DS will enter fulltime K, not repeat preschool. Her response to this ended my confusion - "We'll see about that. Our recommendations for K placement are HIGHLY regarded by the Principals of the two local schools." So, before my son even starts Preschool, it's been decided that he should be held back from K. In a way, I can almost see it playing out as self-fulfilling prophecy - young, wriggly and intelligent DS heads off to K without the Preschool's backing, and limited exposure to classroom structure... destined for failure???

Preschool here is not compulsory, and I do not believe for a second that the Director or the 2 school Principals can stop my son entering K when he is legally entitled to. The question is whether the Stage 2 Preschool placement is worth fighting for. DH wants to meet with the Director (and possibly show her DS's IQ report) as he feels DS should have the opportunity to be in class with the children he'll start K with the following year. My issue with this is that the school staff are spouses of DH's colleagues and the children in question, their offspring. It's a small town so any waves we make could be potential tsunamis, so to speak. I have no idea whether the program (1st or 2nd stage) will provide DS with anything other than the chance to socialize, but it is all we've got now.

Any thoughts on whether this is an issue worth fighting?