Thanks... good things for me to think about, and ask myself.

My experience was different than my son's, in that I was a compliant child. I never made trouble, but I coasted through school and never learned to work hard, and when I hit university, it was a shock. My mother was a single parent, and although she knew I was smart, she let me be... I wasn't being disruptive, wasn't too unhappy, and she was busy with 5 other kids.

My son is much more gregarious and lively. I think he's more gifted, also. Most of all I want him not to coast by like I did. I want him to fulfill his potential. I'm just concerned that my bulldozing through these educational road blocks will upset his relationship with his teacher or his friends, or make him feel like a freak. He's my perfect little boy, and I just want to wrap him up in bubble wrap and make sure nothing bad happens to him, ever! smile