Originally Posted by shellymos
During a conference DS's teacher mentioned that the kids notice that he is smart, but are picking up on his behavior and that another girl said to the teacher the other day "if he is so smart, why does he doe those things." The teacher says that she told the girl "good question, I don't know" I don't always know either, but it annoys me that the implication is that he can't be all that smart if he behaves that way.

I've mentioned this before, but one time my nephew said that it seemed like my DS "had a party in his brain." It's so true. If I were the teacher I probably would have said that your DS IS smart, and that that is kind of like having a party in his brain, and that sometimes it's hard to keep that party actually in his brain so he does crazy things! Also, I'd like to point out that women throughout history have questioned why men do stupid things (although, obviously, the teacher shouldn't have said that)! grin

Just this week, my DS5.5 apparently wasn't content to make the traditional Thanksgiving turkey art project and instead made his into a man-eating chicken. The other kids thought that this was hysterical and he and they now raise their hands every once in a while to suggest that the answer to a question -- any question -- is "Man-Eating Chicken!" Luckily, he has a great teacher who sees the humor in this for now and sees it as a sign of his creativity (and re-directs them to a more appopriate response)!

She thought she could, so she did.