Does anyone else have a DC that just does ridiculous things at school or is it just me? My DS5 doesn't do really awful things or mean things, just dumb things that I can't for the life of me figure out. DH and I are just so annoyed. Things like running around the room, interupting the teacher, not doing his work, etc...and now it has turned into more serious things such as pouring juice on a girls arm because he "thought it was funny" writing on a chair with a crayon, putting the water in the sink on full blast. I just can't imagine him doing some of these things. Particularly today with the writing on a chair...he has never done anything like that. (sigh) It is just so frustrating because he doesn't have behavior issues at home, and he is a very caring compliant kid who is not trying to be rude at all. Some of this may clearly have to do with them not challenging him (like yesterday when he met with another child for reading and was pulled out for something else he had a perfect day)...but again he needs to know that those behaviors are not acceptable. It is a tough balance. We have talked and talked, we have a reward plan to focus on the positive, we have consequences that address the negative. I am going to keep up with all of that but I feel like we have tried everything and now I have gotten to where I am just waiting until he grows out of it and can't stress about it. DH is wondering if there is something that is wrong with him because he doesn't seem to learn to improve behaviors. Although he knows how to behave at home so that makes me wonder. Anyone else been here? You can be honest and let me know you haven't if it's only me...I'm a big girl, I can take it : )