It could be boredom's just strange. Today he apparently had to go to the principals office for coloring on his chair. He says that he changed 5 color cards for this one incident and lost all his recess. When I asked what the principal said to him he said she made him sit for a while and then later he said she said to him "maybe you colored on the chair because you were bored and the work was too easy'." I was quite confused as to why she would give him that idea. I am not sure if he was making that up and trying to indicate to me that was why he was doing it or what. It's hard to tell sometimes. He is a very honest kid but he has made up a couple stories at school this year mostly related to academics. Anyhow, I thought the statement was odd.

I guess this behavior is strange too because I am a school social worker and I spend a lot of time working with children and their behavior and analyzing what causes their behavior and trying to prevent it...and I can't seem to figure it all out with DS. I wish I could observe him like I do with the kids at school. That would make things so much more clear to me.

Jamie - what exactly is behavior clinic?