Originally Posted by Dazed&Confuzed
I've read that book and it was very helpful. I should read it again. I get caught in that gifted in math means fast computation. DS gets concepts easily. Can do multi-digit multiplication in 2 steps, but is getting tripped up on the standard algorithm. I think b/c he's bored w/ it and not giving it the attention it requires. So then I start thinking that's pretty avg in math.
Yep, it's time for you to re-read Developing Math Talent. smile See page 212: Students Extremely Talented in Mathematics May Make Computation Mistakes. Think of it like this: we know Grinity is a talented writer even if she makes typing and spelling mistakes. Hope that doesn't offend you Grinity. Or this: can we say Frank McCourt wasn't a talented writer because he didn't publish a book until he was 66? Talk about slow! wink

"At 66, you're supposed to die or get hemorrhoids," McCourt told the Hartford Courant in 2003. "I just wrote the book and was amazed and astounded that it became a bestseller and won the Pulitzer Prize. It still hasn't sunk in."

P.S. Also read DMT page 245. There's a great quote by Sheffield.

Last edited by inky; 09/24/09 09:37 PM. Reason: P.S.