Hi! This is my first time to post, but I've spent many hours reading the messages here. Wow! I've learned a lot!

I've recently realized my 3rd grade son is gifted. Last month I was feeling frustrated with how he constantly complains about how much he hates math (math is Boooooriiiiiing!) when he's actually very good in math. I decided to step it up a notch to see if I could spark his interest. He still didn't seem challenged, so I stepped it up another notch. Then another. I started 8th grade pre-algebra a couple weeks ago-- he is whizzing through it, and finally seems to be having fun with math. We're homeschoolers, btw.

I'm standing here feeling dazed and confused and thinking-- what next? Algebra as an 8 year old? So, here I am doing internet research!

Okay... my question about achievement tests...

Money is very tight in our family. I am saving my pennies to have a professional administer the WISC IV to him. I know he also needs an achievement test. In terms of money, the Explore is the best bet for us. I looked at the practice tests and the math section wouldn't be an issue for him, but at this point there's no way he would do well on the other sections.

Do I understand the DYS qualifications correctly in that he needs 3 scores on the Explore (for us, composite + math + one other score) but if we do the WIAT II we can get by with just a Total Math score? If that's the case, perhaps I should be saving my pennies for the WIAT II as well and bypass the Explore.

Finally, one more question-- is it possible he's just good at math and not gifted? Reading all this gifted information seems really overwhelming, and part of me is thinking, "just put him back in 3rd grade math and forget you ever started down this road..."