Thank you all very much. I will heed the advice, and more than anything I am committed to standing by the decision. I feel so good about it, and ds is doing so well. The doubt creeps in every now and then, especially when I realize I just gave up my entire income and changed our lifestyle completely. However, I feel very confident that this is working for ds; I do like the advice that no one else has to know when I do have doubts.

My mom is very persisten when she doesn't get her way, and she has difficulty with boundaries. It's hard for her to just say, "Ok, he's your child, and I trust you to make the right decision." I always think it must be nice to always have all the right answers. (sarcasm) I've never had the luxery of feeling that way! I wonder why? (more sarcasm)

My mom is big on the elite private school setting where "all the kids are gifted." Yeah, right. So, what? We sign on to pay $12,000/year for a setting that might end up being a nightmare for ds? Once you sign on the dotted line, you can't back out or you have to pay the full tuition for the year. I have learned way too much about the difficulties of educating gifted children to take that risk!

Anyway, it's nice to be able to vent in a safe place like this where others understand our plight. Thanks so much. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your support and guidance.