I understand completely and agree 100% with Kriston's post and suggestions - my dad and his wife were supportive from day one (they were the ones who originally planted the seed of homeschooling in our heads to begin with) but my DH's side of the family constantly question our decision. I used to go around in circles trying to explain that he is being more social now then he was ever allowed in his public school classroom (where they are told on a constant basis NOT to talk with the other students and sit quietly at their desks and do their work- not to talk at lunch and eat and then they took away playground time and made then do a structured PE time - so I laugh when I hear the whole socialization comment). This year I just gained the mentality Kriston stated - it doesn't matter what "they" think...you know your child and what they need the best. I also do the same thing of not going on the defensive and just make a very short and to the point comment and then move the converstation on and it is funny that the other person just kind of moves on with the conversation as well :-)