JJ's Mom,
I have been considering experimenting with a bit of caffeine and my DS7 who is diagnosed with ADHD. Just like you, caffeine calms me instead of getting me wound up, but my reaction is all day..it always puts me to sleep. I wonder if it could work that way in my younger son. I am hispanic, so the idea of letting a child have milk with a bit of coffee or something does not feel as odd as it does to some of my friends here. I think I will try it over a weekend some time.
Both my children are extremely sensitive to variations in their diet. My DS8, Aspeger's, child is much more likely to have meltdowns and difficulty coping when he's hungry. Unfortunately, he is also extremely picky. I have to sometimes resort to things I would prefer not to give him just to get him to have his snack. For instance, I give him granola bars, but I have to give him the Quaker ones with the corn syrup because they are the only ones he'll eat. It's preferable he eat something mildly unhealthy than nothing at all.