Makes me twitch a little, too, knowing your kids and knowing that my kids are like your kids. I never though of us as a PG family either. Actually makes me lol a little, considering how awful all the adults in this household were in school.

But seriously, DS really needs the support that DYS offers, whatever our feelings about the PG label are. He is miserable and under-challenged in the PS classroom. HS'ing challenges him academically, but he is not getting the social interaction with like minded peers that he needs, and when you do find someone for him, we immediately quit homeschooling (you drive us to it ;))

I feel confident, that with two qualifications on the IQ, two on the achievement AND a really glowing personal recommendation, your DS will have not problems qualifying. And one more thing, don't stalk the mailman too much. It will make him nervous, seeing you glaring at him from behind your curtains. He might report you wink