Oh good, I won't be biting my nails alone! Good luck to everyone!
Kathy- it sounds like you guys will have an easier time of answering the questions than we did! DS is working several grade levels ahead in math, but he didn't teach himself, he just moves through things at lightening speed. So, it's just enough of an ability to make it hard for us to keep him in a math curriculum, but not enough for me to highlight it as a talent!
Dandy- that's how I read the questions, too! I had initially decided not to pursue IQ testing for DYS because the questions made it seem like they were looking for a different kid than the one I own. Once we had the scores though, I called DYS to ask exactly how they expected me to answer the questions for a 7 year old. The guy was really nice and said that they took age into account and that they aren't looking for kids this age to be doing calculus or curing cancer. He also said we don't have to justify the scores with the answers to the questions. I think the questions are more to give some depth to the kids, since they are more than just some numbers. I kind of side-stepped the "prodigious talent" question by saying that DS is more of a thinker and giving examples of how he does hands on problem solving just to see what works or doesn't work.