BTW, I totally feel for you about your son not being physically ready for First, and that physically Kindy would have been better for him the first 6 months.

I will point out that 'the road not taken' might have been much, much, much, much worse if you had left him in Kindy, AND you are already 'in the shoot' for getting more accomidations as they become obvious that they will be needed.

Do you have something in place for Math in terms of subject acceleration at school this year? If he was doing 3rd grade worksheets last year, I'd guess that he would need 'at least' 4th grade work this coming year. It's not like their learning slows down over the summer....usually it speeds up.

Also, with kids who are in that HG/PG zone, we parents have to look at even 6 months of academic fit as a win. So, congratulations!

Great to hear your report and good luck,

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