OK - yes, I think the problem might be with the "review" settings. I think some review is good - but there really is too much of it - especially since the "lecture" part of the review is *exactly* the same each time. I keep hearing a frustrated voice from the other room "maaaa, I already did this!!"

I also had difficulty with the size of the font initially. My dd said that the teacher needed to write bigger : ) At first I would change the "accessibility settings" on my computer to try to make the font larger (making the window larger does not seem to help with the font size). Changing the computer settings helped, but made the page more difficult to navigate. It seems as though my daughter has gotten used to the smaller type now.

It is interesting to hear that others have not had the same problems with the highlighting. Sometimes when my daughter clicks on words they highlight so that she can see what she has selected - other times she clicks on an answer and it does not highlight, so she keeps clicking and clicking... she also seems to need to hit "OK" and then "done" and then "done" a second time after each answer. (I'm done - I'm really really done : ) (and just as an aside, shouldn't it be "finished" instead of "done"? - this is a language arts course after all).

These are all minor things... We really do like the program. The two parts I like the best are: a) it has taught my daughter to carefully read directions - "click on all of the proper nouns" -"Mom, I clicked on the proper noun and it says try again" --- read the instructions again honey ; ) b) the paragraphs they choose are interesting - and she is learning a lot just from those - she has learned what a "toast" is, about "Kimchi (I am spelling that wrong) and about slavery (that was a rather involved discussion). So in all, thumbs up.