I'm with Master of None and Kcab - I want this stuff to happen at school. We do things on our own, but DS really does need playtime/downtime, and, as kcab said, 6+ hours of school eats brains! Also, I want to be able to spend our home learning time on things that cannot be learned in school - like how to cook, how to use power tools, how to garden, how to sew.

So what are the magic words? How does one convince a harried teacher to invent ways to sneak in something meaty for the whole class and not just send one kid to the corner with a book? I'm not sure it's possible, what with so much of the curriculum being out of the teacher's control. But could I someday get one teacher to try one project? Hmmm... that might be possible, given the right teacher and the right suggested project, but I'm afraid I'd never be able to make it snowball into the world I envision.

So I continue spinning my wheels....