Thanks for the input Dottie. I was thinking about my own experiences, coasting through HS and not learning to study. But my close childhood friend, very high PG, only had the same grade skip as me, got into music and musical theatre and had great study habits because of strict father. She did take physics in undergrad and nuclear engineering for a doctoral. Was offered all kinds of classified jobs -- she is brilliant. She is happy working for a utility and changes her line of work (within the utility -- they do anything to keep her) every 7 years and is happy. Interesting that I also changed every 7 years from being an equity analyst to derivative trader to strategist. Seven year itch? So is the lesson that you just need to learn to apply yourself and it works out? Thinking back, I think I missed that one. So much came easy, I just didn't learn to "apply myself" when it got harder. I just wanted it always to be easy.
