Originally Posted by Floridama
How many of your youngins like the Wheel and Jeopardy?

LOL, DS started to watch wheel of fortune at 3 and really likes it. He even suggested having a b-day party with wheel of fortune as his theme when he turned 4. Kinda crazy. He started on jeopardy at 4.5. He still likes them both but hasn't been watching them as obsessively. We got him the wheel game that you can hook up to the tv for Christmas, he really likes it and is quite good.

Lately he is into electronics, which most 4&5 year olds aren't as enthusiastic about. He can play with his snap circuits set for hours (he just got it for his birthday). We just went on vacation for a week and he brought his set. he kept asking some kids (our friends children) that are ages 3 1/2 and 4 if they wanted to do electronics with him. They were uninterested to say the least.

He also likes Soduko and is quite good at them and now can do the 9x9 ones pretty well. He loves all sorts of on-line puzzle games and board games...and some of the on-line puzzle games I don't get at all...but he picks up on how to do them quite quickly.