These are great!

After abandoning an obsession with dinosaurs and outer space, my dd5 is now obsessed with fairies. This one has stuck, too - for nearly a year. It started with the discovery of a group of books called Rainbow Magic Fairies. There are animal fairies (ie Lauren the Puppy Fairy), color fairies (Fern the Green Fairy), music fairies, dance fairies, day of the week fairies ... you get the picture. Each category of fairy has seven books in it. And dd can recite the name of each book in order. And tell you what happens in each one. It's probably 70 books.

On the topic of Sudoku, when dd was 3, my mom gave her some sticker sudoku books. They were a nick jr. theme -- I think we have Dora and Diego. Anyways, the books use pictures instead of numbers and then the child places the stickers in the correct spots. I thought they were really clever for kids who were old enough for the sudoku concept, but weren't yet writing.