WEll I'm starting my first year w/ a 1st grader but this will be my second year with my 4th grader. My 1st grader went to public school K last year.

For science a good source is Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding. Dr. Nebel has a sort of living science approach. It's K-2, guides you in tying all the sciences together and weaving it into your life. It's easy to write up for the state and you can list some of the recommended books Dr. Nebel gives. Plus, it's easy to go as deep as you want in a topic using Nebel's book as a spine. It's $20 so not a huge investment. He also runs a yahoogroup where he will answer any question. He's coming out w/ 3-5 book soon. I think the K-2 book is easy to go in depth w/ advanced kids by choosing supplementary books from the library.

Any other topics you're interested in? I use several of SWB"s recommendations: writing with Ease, SOTW