In my household, there is no question that we are technology obsessed. Four computers (one per person), Wii, Xbox360, DS. I decided that I would go down the route of letting my sons choose what they wanted to do as long as it did not last too long. My children can both play for hours at a time on new games, and I know the excitement of the new toy, so I let them. But, if it lasts longer than a couple of days, then I start pushing them to go outside.

My older one generally balances well on his own. He plays a bit, then wants to go see his friends. My younger one is obsessed, but he knows he is and it annoys him. I never thought I'd hear a six-year-old say, "Mom, turn off the tv cause I get sucked in and I want to do something else."

My theory is that the more of a "normal" thing it is to do, the less likely I'll come home to a pair of teenagers who rebel by playing obsessively 24/7.:) I'm not sure it will work, but we'll see.

Last edited by Artana; 07/13/09 10:30 AM.