Re: Any suggestions for how to add humor to our morning routine? Volcano Mom

I am reading a very good book "How to Talk so Kids will Listen and Listen so Kids will Talk" buy A.Faber and E.Mazlish.
I have found some great tips in it for dealing with my DS who resembles all above.
I get very frustrated with repeating myself all the time and this book has helped.
Trying to get my DS to lift the seat when he goes to the bathroom has driven me mad! We've now got a little note on the toilet that says
"Lift the lid, lift the lid, before you do your wee. Otherwise your dear sweet mum will sit down in your pee. Eeew!".
He thinks it is hilarious and giggles everytime he sees it. (He also runs around the house singing it at top note (I'm hoping that will pass.)
I haven't said 'lift the seat' in over a week!!

Last edited by tory; 06/30/09 01:27 PM.