I understood from our experts in gifted & 2E issues that if you are treating for Dyslexia symptoms it doesn't matter whether they actually have dyslexia. They said the treatment for dyslexia will hardwire for improvement regardless of the underlying cause. In our case we have several possible causes of dyslexia-like symptoms and I'm doing Barton with him. So you may want to consider whether you have enough information and are doing enough to be able to help him between his vision therapy and All About Spelling to still *need* a label.

Also in case you haven't found http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HeartofReading/ here is the description:

This is a christian parent group designed to provide support for homeschooling families as they move through the process of teaching a child/children who struggle with various aspects of reading. (fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, decoding, encoding, phonemic awareness, phonics, and/or specific issues of dyslexia, dysgraphia, language development, or auditory processing disorder.)

Be sure to check out their resources, they have tons of information in their Files section.

Hope this helps.
