Hi...I am new here. I am a Christian homeschooling mom of two boys who are 9 and 11. When our 11 year old son was 4, we had him evaluated and found out he is gifted.
Fast foward 7 years to now....
we are having him evaluated again next week because he struggles so much to spell. In addition, when he reads outloud, he often omits words. The person who will be evaluating him told me that from what I have told her, she suspects he has something called "Stealth dyslexia." I had no clue as I thought that people with dyslexia had problems reading, and my son was reading at age 4, loves to read, etc.

I am not sure what to expect with the eval. It is a 3-4 hour appointment. The person doing the eval is very familiar with gifted kids and supportive of homeschooling. She said I might have to take him to an eye doctor to check his visual tracking.

Are there certain tests I should make sure to ask for?

My son is VERY strong in math and science. He is a happy, easy going child, eager to please, respectful, and responsible. He does not like to write, I think it is because spelling is so hard for him.

Any advice you can give would be great!