Update---He was diagnosed with mild orthographic aka stealth dyslexia and mild dysgraphia. I don't have the written report but will have it next week. I don't know why she is saying he has dysgraphia, other than he is slower than he should be when he writes. His penmanship is beautiful. He does not like to write and it is hard for him.

Ok, now onto vision issues-

I took him to the developmental optician yesterday. He has binocular instability and ocular motor tracking problems. I am not sure if those are the same thing with different names, or two different things. I am supposed to work with him doing daily vision exercises (using a Marsden ball) for 3 weeks and then go back. She said the whole process should only take 3 months or so.

I don't know if anyone here knows about vision but I have a few questions-

1. Are those diagnoses above, two things or one thing? Are they the same as "Convergence insuffiency" or different"

2. How are these problems related to dyslexia (he has stealth dyslexia, aka orthographic dyslexia...in other words, he can read and comprehend well but cannot spell well-also skips little words when reading aloud)
