This is an interesting thread. I am ambi, my grandad on mom's side was too. Ds8 seems to be as well. He writes right, and does some sports right, and drawing with this right hand, but when tested recently on a peg board test, he is faster with his left hand. Also, just recently I noticed him fiddling with something very detailed and he gave up with his right and switched to left.
Actually, as I read this wiki article, I guess the correct term for this might be 'mixed handedness'."Approximately 95 percent of right-handed individuals primarily process speech in the brain's left hemisphere."[5]"More than half of left-handers process speech in their left hemisphere, just like right-handers. However, about one fourth of left-handers process speech equally in both hemispheres."[5] On the balance, it appears that this theory could well explain some left-handedness, but it has too many gaps to explain all left-handedness."
Now, having completely wandered off the subject of ambidextrous people, and in no way touching on dyslexia, I am engrossed in reading this article:
The effect of handedness on earnings (The
reason I started to post was to point out that 'The Edison Trait' has an interesting couple of pages on dyslexia and whether it can be considered an advantage in certain disciplines like architecture, design, engineering, etc. (The ability to easily get away from our left-to-right framework, etc.) )
Ramble, ramble....