Although I am not sure if this is the right decision, at this point, DS is not skipping K. We don't have an IQ or LOG right now, so we are getting a condesending pat on the head from the school. Also, I have some concern about DS's ability to sit in his seat for a long time. He is a super active little guy & I think they will have problems getting him to be still for "quite time" after lunch. (full day K) There are also some issues with async dev. as he is not reading yet.

Despite those things, I am very unsure. I don't want his questions about science brushed aside because they don't think he will understand the answer. Or for the other kids to think he is weird because he draws diagrams of the galaxy.

This leaves us anxiously putting together a DYS app. and hoping we put a strong enough portfolio together for him to be accepted. I just finally got DS to do some tapes explaining what he knows about biology & astronomy. We still need to finish up a couple things with the goal of getting an answer by the end of summer. The extra support would be a huge boost in getting DS into the best academic situation.

(sidenote: I am sure that the app process would be a lot easier if I could get past my own denial. ND 5yr olds don't ask what helium is made of or correctly place the solar system on a model milky way or build the leaning tower of pisa out of there sisters megablocks, right?)

Sorry, I think that went a little off track.