Originally Posted by MAE
A lot of writing to say that I relate to what you're going through EastNWest. When I posted my first frantic plea for help on this site Shari asked me "What does your mommy gut say?" I try to check in with my instincts along the way, as well as how my son feels about things.

Hi MAE -

Thanks for your reply and encouraging words. (And thanks to everyone for their replies too.)

I will try to listen to my "mommy gut". thanks for the reminder.

I guess this is also hard for me because he has been going to school for such a long time. He is already beyond used to the routine. In more than a few ways, K will be going backwards: academically, shorter day, more random social interaction...

But I will try to be hopeful that we get a flexible situation, a teacher that "gets him" and is able to do some differentiating. (is that even a word) LOL.

thanks again everyone!