Yes, I am reading that one, 'Unwritten Rules' right now and trying some of the suggestions with our ds8. It seems good, pretty straight forward and the examples seem to help in illustrating the point with ds.

I have mainly used it to suggest to ds a few scenarios to see if he feels he fits them.
Mostly I see him as a child who gets on a subject or an annoying activity and won't let up, I think he gets stuck because he doesn't have any way to 'back out'. I think he agrees with this, but there are more layers, too.
They have specific suggestions for each scenario, phrases to use when a kid has gotten himself into an embarrassing corner which normally would produce more awkward behavior. So, while I can't say ds is learning loads yet, it is good for me to have ways to respond when I hear about or see a situation where ds is irritating people because of his lack of social adeptness.
We also have him signed up for a class during the summer with other boys around the same age and hopefully one in the fall at school. Basically the counselor said that this takes learning and loads and loads of practice so we are trying learning from a lot of angles and moving ds into some activities like boy scouts which should provide a lot more opportunities to reinforce the skills he's trying to learn.