The easter bunny never had a chance. I don't thing DS4 ever believed in that. He is way to logical and he knows he has never seen a bunny that big and it never made sense. Santa? I am not sure if he ever has believed in him. He goes along with it, but never asks much about it. We haven't even gotten to the tooth fairy. He is such a logical kid. I don't feel comfortable telling him that they exist when they don't, so with the santa thing I try to make it exciting and have some mystery. We have read books about santa and things like that. I never have told him he is not real, I basically skirt around it with things like "that's what people say" or "what do you think? or "how do you think these presents get here?" or other things like that. It kind of makes me sad about it that he doesn't seem really excited about the whole Santa thing. But not much else I can do I guess, he is who he is.

We are a Christian family, and while he does ask lots of questions, oddly enough he has never asked if God was real or anything like that. So I suppose he is able to believe in some things that he can not see.