wow! I thought I might get no replies at all on this one! I am THRILLED all these ideas - I've never heard of things like the purple crayon game, which the 3yo might love, if he could tolerate us drawing for him, as he loves to tell stories these days. Artifact sounds cool, too, as fascinating for grown-ups is a huge, huge plus! And some of the tweaks! I'm slapping my head here. Like the scrabble patterning...that's brilliant! And we have battleship and it's our older son that refuses to play with his brother...I'll have to see if I can make him give it a try, b/c life for everyone will be so much better when they can play these things!

Is there any point to buying something like Junior Scrabble? How are these junior versions different?

But a lot of these, I don't know at all! I'm going to see if I can find a local-ish library that might do game loans, b/c I want to try these without buying...too many suggestions to do that!

thank you all...