Thanks for the replies! I'll try to respond to all.

To rlsnights - By OE I was referring to Over Excitabilitis (Dubrowski??) which can be characteristics of giftedness but also look a lot like some aspects of SPD.

I've been reading a lot about executive function since I got onto this list (less than a week ago!) and like much of it, some of it fits and some doesn't.

asiral - not to be disrespectful, but with a Verbak IQ of 135 I might rethink you comment "I am not gifted"! From what I understand, LD and output are not the measures of giftedness. I wrote this on another thread about processing speed, but we were told that having high scores in one area and low in another can be extremely frustrating for the gifted child because they don't even each other out.

We do feel extremely lucky with our son. I imagine you have heard the analogy of the roller coaster ride for the parents in the NICU. For 3 months we never knew what to expect - one day healthy, the next strep in the bloodstream, the next healthy, the next a hole in the intestine which almost killed him, surgeries good, surgeries not so good. We were the lucky unlucky ones, (not the unlucky lucky ones) if that makes any sense to you.

And snowgirl, yes medical background alone provides enough hypotheses for any kind of LD possible. He had excellent OT,PT & Speech from birth until 3 years of age, at which time he tested out of all special services. Two years ago he went through testing at a place called neuroeducation with psychologists. That's when the ADHD, dysgraphia & anxiety were diagnosed. He had enough x-rays in the first three months to possibly result in left hemisphere damage, but no bleeds. There are a few studies coming out on the effects of pain in early childhood on the emotions later in life. He went through daily pain (almost lost him to morphine after a surgery, so no pain killer of any kind after that.)

So - I've never gotten too stressed about his lack of productivity at school because I know how lucky he is to be all that he is today. However, I'm at a point where I need to know which way to go for modifications and adaptations at school.

All the comments are helpful to me right now. Thanks!

