EandC--I have such a big smile on my face right now from your nice comment (funny how some of the nicest parts of the day can come from cyber friends). I was just thinking about how many things I'm involved with would be so much more enjoyable with some peers involved. It would be so much more rewarding and probably better accomplished...I think that's how our kids must feel in most everything they do. If only they could have someone or some-two to work on math or discuss their book with, or even playing creatively on the playground. How unfulfilling it could be to always have to be in charge and come up with the ideas and rules (how many of you have kids who make up the rules?) No wonder my kids mostly like to hang out together.

Willa Gayle, I am in awe that you have had the fortitude to help your father as you have. I know how consuming and emotionally draining health problems and "the system" are, and you're amazing.