"Yes, I know, God works in mysterious ways, that's for sure". Presented with a big smile and nodding head, it generally stops the questions in two ways. If the person you are speaking to doesn't believe in God, they are left with the feeling that if the conversation continues, so will their conversion. If they do believe in God, all they can do is agree! Either way it usually stops them.

I love it!!

I guess I've always been pretty laid-back about ...well, everything... but specifically the "wow, he's so smart!" things. I just say "yeah, he's a nutty kid" or "yup, he just taught himself all that stuff, I didn't do it." And if it's the parent of a child who obviously isn't GT, I've been known to say "oh yeah, he learned to read by the time he was 2, but he still isn't potty trained (until 4)" or even to this day, "yeah, but he still can't ride a bicycle (at 6)." I don't do this in a way that is mean to him, but with a laugh that says, hey, everybody's good at something.