How exciting to have a few more members with toddlers, Welcome! Yea!!! You will find that there are a few members with toddlers on here dealing with pretty much the exact same issues that you talk about. As far as your sister's comments ... very hurtful when it comes from your family but just keep in the back of your mind that she is jealous. I would ignore most of it. Now if she is saying these things in front of your DD that is another issue all together and you might need to have a talk with your sister or even pull back and not spend too much time with her. Because trust me your DD is able to understand a lot more than the typical toddler.

As for the teaching her new things ... I have days of yes let's learn something new and then freaking out and wanting to hold her back. My daughter (2 1/2) reads sight words and sounds out words, plus adds and subtracts as well as speaks some Spanish and on top of this she will be starting preschool this fall. I have mixed reactions to it all... we chose a play-based school for socialization because in academics she is already a head of kindergarten and we hope that we can build her socialization b/c we already see her downplaying her abilities. But yes the idea of learning ABCs and colors scares me because she is so far ahead of all of that but it isn't the main focus for them and they do a lot of art projects so hopefully the way they present it will be rewarding for her. BUT if not we are lining up options for us such as Montessori and Immersion programs. This summer she will be in an Immersion Summer program.

Anyway ... welcome to the board both you and angelina and feel free to PM me. I love meeting other parents with kids in the same age range who are HG. And since you are new ... the PM is the flashing envelope on the top.