JBDad....well there might be a bright side...it's the kids that act out who seem to get their needs met eventually. My son would never act out ... he was screaming in his head but on the outside he was just sitting there quietly. I got "Oh he's fine all day. He's so quiet. He does just what I tell him to."

My son constantly said, "I'm just so tired of always reviewing stuff I already know." One morning, he literally fell to pieces. He was so frightening I called the pediatrician. I think my son is on the far end of the spectrum with his inability to deal w/ stuff he already knows....I do see value in being able to sit through boring stuff....but at some point a line gets crossed where it's too much....that line is different for every kid. Unfortunately for my son, that line was very close. And yes my son too never said much about school so when he started talking about it like your son has, I listened. My son stayed in school for 4yrs (K-3) and I'm dealing with so many bad habits with him that I honestly doubt I'd be dealing with if he had not experienced not having work at his level and his learning intensity.

Good luck,