Little bit of an update here... for those of you playing at home.

DS6 started having behavioral problems again at school to the point where we got a call from his teacher. We actually expected this because we've now seen a very clear pattern: his behavior gets very bad after returning from any break (winter, spring, etc). That coupled with what appears to be severe sleep apnea meant that DS was exhausted all of the time and then would have total emotional melt downs. We have an ENT appointment this week, so hopefully we can get that problem solved. Seriously, the boy is in bed no later than 7:30 and then gets 11 hours of sleep. Fortunately DW noticed he was snoring to the point where he'd occasionally stop breathing and then wake himself up. Thus the call to the ENT.

This week his sleep seems to be a little better and as such, yesterday he was pretty much a perfect, happy-go-lucky boy. This morning was very good too. Hopefully we're through the rough patch (it generally lasts about 3 weeks). However, the teacher called yesterday at a point where DW had just about had it with being patient with the school. shocked Normally we try to be as diplomatic as possible but they have a very strong tendency to equate achievement with GTness. There is a bit more to it, but I think most of us have been there with our respective schools.

So anyway, apparently at breakfast after I left for work he had a very involved conversation with DW. DW doesn't remember how they got on the subject, but DS said, unprompted "sometimes it's really hard to sit still when they're teaching things I already know." He proceeded to go on and on about this which is a little unusual because he doesn't talk about school a whole lot. DW used it as a teaching point to talk about challenging yourself in school, etc. It is both interesting and sad at the same time that he's noticing this and it's becoming more of a problem. I'm pretty certain this is going to get worse over time.

We're still trying to figure things out...